Jim Dunkel, 71
Retired dentist, but still work part-time; Classic car restoration
I've been running for 4 years.
I started because I found running to be great fun with great people and the best deal for companionship, competition and goodies!
If I could no longer run, I would go biking and go back to racing Indy cars
My favorite run is the Hobo Run and Trail Series. You never know the diabolical tricks of the trailmaster in planning the course. The challenge is as unknown and varied as the scenery and the topography. Not knowing what lies ahead keeps me guessing on what the proper pace should be. I also like the up and down hill, ducking under branches hanging low and the soft ground is easier on my knees. I really enjoy running through a peaceful woods or field.
I like to run with anyone, but especially George Tillet, Henry Gallenz, Paul Peterson & Tom Baker.
Something most people don't know about me is....that in the 60’s and 70’s, I raced Indy-type cars against the Unsers and Andrettis in a Formula 5000 series throughout the states and Canada. I also competed in international rallies in a Mini-Cooper. That I’ve never seen a car that I wouldn’t love to own and that I’ve won many concourse competitions with the cars that I’ve restored.
My favorite thing to do after a hard workout is shoot the bull with my running friends and tell each other how great we are!
When I'm not running I like to read, design car parts, go out to dinner and theater with my wife.
I am inspired by George Tillet, the most positive person I know. He inspires me by never complaining. If he loses a race he says “It just keeps me humble”. He treats his competition with warm smiles and corny jokes. He can laugh about the many difficulties that life has given him without a tract of bitterness. His enthusiasm for life is infectious.
An obstacle or challenge I’ve overcome with my running is not to get down when I have a bad run and tell myself that having fun is what it’s all about … and not to eat too many cookies after a run!
The local runners I most admire are George Tillet, Henry Gallenz and Paul Peterson. These guys have done it all!
To push myself on a run, I concentrate on keeping up the honor of us “old Guys”.
My greatest running accomplishment is finishing the 25K Hobo Run and “the rope”! The 25K is the longest race I’ve ever run. When I worked the first Hobo Run, I thought I could never do 25K and to accomplish that goal gave me a lot of confidence.
My next goal is to do the Hobo 25K in record time for my age group My advice to other runners....don’t let the competition get in the way of having fun. Enjoy and get to know all the Roadrunners.
I plan to run until I can no longer move and the age grouping goes from 90-95.
Receiving the RRRunner of the year was such an unexpected pleasure. The award was the capstone of a fun and rewarding year. Each day as I look at the plaque, I will think of all the great friends I’ve made! Life is great!
Over the years I have been in many organizations and groups -- Dental, political, auto-related and civic. The Rockford Roadrunners and runners everywhere are the most positive, pleasant, fun group I have ever had the honor of associating with. As goes with the season, I never hear a discouraging word and the support for both the fast and the slow is remarkable! I have never had so much fun! Thanks so much to all of you!